
5 simple ways to increase your interaction on Instagram

Say goodbye to the "king of interaction." The social media analytics and reporting company   recently revealed that the trend of interaction on Instagram is decreasing. How can brands beat this? In this article, we present 5 strategies for your team to start up. 1. Be more interactive: Interacting with your followers is something you should do. The easiest way to do this is to like your photos and videos. When you do that the user receives a notification and in most cases, they look at your profile. If there is something that interests them, they will surely like you or start following you. Take the time to find your audience and make your presence feel. You can include exclusive photos from behind the scenes or just ask your followers questions. 2. Be photogenic: Some research shows that "visual content" is up to 40 times more likely to be shared on social networks than other content. But this means that you can publish any photograph ... Select i...